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theory BoolFunction

  type t
  type i
  constant bot : t
  constant top : t

  function (/*\) t t : t
  function (->*) t t : t
  function (\*/) t t : t
  function neg t : t


theory PropositionalFormula

  use booltheory.BoolImplementation

  type formula =
    | Prop t
    | Var i
    | Neg formula
    | And formula formula
    | Or formula formula
    | Impl formula formula

  function assign (e : formula) (f : i -> t)  : formula =
    match e with
    | Prop t -> Prop t
    | Var i -> Prop (f i)
    | Neg e -> Neg (assign e f)
    | And e1 e2 -> And (assign e1 f) (assign e2 f)
    | Or e1 e2 -> Or (assign e1 f) (assign e2 f)
    | Impl e1 e2 -> Impl (assign e1 f) (assign e2 f)

  function eval_recursive (e : formula) : t =
    match e with
    | Prop t -> t
    | Neg e1 -> neg (eval_recursive e1)
    | And e1 e2 -> (eval_recursive e1) /*\ (eval_recursive e2)
    | Or e1 e2 -> (eval_recursive e1) \*/ (eval_recursive e2)
    | Impl e1 e2 -> (eval_recursive e1) ->* (eval_recursive e2)
    | _ -> bot (* never reached *)

  function eval (e : formula) (f : i -> t) : t =
    eval_recursive (assign e f)


theory ConjunctiveNormalForm

  use booltheory.BoolImplementation

  type pliteral =
      | LBottom
      | LVar i

  type formula_wi =
      | L_wi pliteral
      | FAnd_wi formula_wi formula_wi
      | FOr_wi formula_wi formula_wi
      | FNeg_wi formula_wi

  type formula_nnf =
      | L_nnf pliteral
      | FNeg_nnf pliteral
      | FAnd_nnf formula_nnf formula_nnf
      | FOr_nnf formula_nnf formula_nnf

  type clause_cnf =
      | CLiteral pliteral
      | CNeg_cnf pliteral
      | COr_cnf clause_cnf clause_cnf

  type formula_cnf =
      | FClause_cnf clause_cnf
      | FAnd_cnf formula_cnf formula_cnf

  function eval_pliteral (l: pliteral) (f: i -> t) : t
  = match l with
      | LBottom -> bot
      | LVar i -> f i

  function eval_wi (fwi: formula_wi) (f: i -> t) : t
  = match fwi with
      | L_wi phi1 -> eval_pliteral phi1 f
      | FAnd_wi fwi1 fwi2  -> eval_wi fwi1 f /*\ eval_wi fwi2 f
      | FOr_wi fwi1 fwi2   -> eval_wi fwi1 f \*/ eval_wi fwi2 f
      | FNeg_wi fwi      -> neg (eval_wi fwi f)

  function eval_nnf (fnnf: formula_nnf) (f: i -> t)  : t
  = match fnnf with
      | FNeg_nnf literal -> neg (eval_pliteral literal f)
      | L_nnf literal -> eval_pliteral literal f
      | FAnd_nnf fnnf1 fnnf2 -> eval_nnf fnnf1 f /*\ eval_nnf fnnf2 f
      | FOr_nnf fnnf1 fnnf2 -> eval_nnf fnnf1 f \*/ eval_nnf fnnf2 f

  function eval_clause_cnf (fcnf: clause_cnf) (f: i -> t) : t
  = match fcnf with
      | CLiteral l -> eval_pliteral l f
      | CNeg_cnf l -> neg (eval_pliteral l f)
      | COr_cnf phi1 phi2 -> eval_clause_cnf phi1 f \*/ eval_clause_cnf phi2 f

  function eval_formula_cnf (e: formula_cnf) (f: i -> t) : t
  = match e with
      | FClause_cnf phi1 -> eval_clause_cnf phi1 f
      | FAnd_cnf phi1 phi2 -> eval_formula_cnf phi1 f /*\ eval_formula_cnf phi2 f


theory Horn

  use booltheory.BoolImplementation, ConjunctiveNormalForm, option.Option

  type rightside =
      | RProp t
      | RVar i

  type conj_pliteral =
      | CPL pliteral
      | CPAnd conj_pliteral conj_pliteral

  type leftside =
      | LTop
      | LPos conj_pliteral

  type basichornclause =
      | BImpl leftside rightside

  type hornclause =
      | HBasic basichornclause
      | HAnd hornclause hornclause

  function assign_rightside (r: rightside) (f: i -> t) : rightside
  = match r with
      | RProp t -> RProp t
      | RVar i -> RProp (f i)

  function eval_rightside (r: rightside) : t
  = match r with
      | RProp t -> t
      | _ -> bot

  function eval_positive (plc: conj_pliteral) (f: i -> t) : t
  = match plc with
      | CPL l -> eval_pliteral l f
      | CPAnd phi1 phi2 -> eval_positive phi1 f /*\ (eval_positive phi2 f)

  function eval_leftside (l: leftside) (f: i -> t) : t
  = match l with
      | LTop -> top
      | LPos phi1 -> eval_positive phi1 f

  function eval_basichornclause (b: basichornclause) (f: i -> t) : t
  = match b with
      | BImpl left right -> (eval_leftside left f) ->* (eval_rightside (assign_rightside right f))

  function eval_hornclause (h: hornclause) (f: i -> t) : t
  = match h with
      | HBasic h1 -> eval_basichornclause h1 f
      | HAnd h1 h2 -> eval_hornclause h1 f /*\ eval_hornclause h2 f

  function eval_optionrightside (p: option rightside) (f: i -> t) : t
  = match p with
      | None -> bot
      | Some x -> eval_rightside (assign_rightside x f)


module LemmasAux

  use PropositionalFormula, ConjunctiveNormalForm, booltheory.BoolImplementation

  lemma prop_top_isFNegwi_Lwi_LBottom: forall e1 e2 f. e1 = Prop top /\ e2 = FNeg_wi (L_wi LBottom) -> eval e1 f = eval_wi e2 f

  lemma notbot: forall t f. t <> bot -> eval (Prop t) f = eval_wi (FNeg_wi (L_wi LBottom)) f
