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module Hornify

  use import formula.ConjunctiveNormalForm as CNF
  use import formula.Horn as Horn

  use int.Int, setstheory.BoolSet, setstheory.PropositionalFormulaSet, option.Option

  use import booltheory.BoolImplementation as BI

  clone import set.SetApp with type elt = pliteral

  exception MoreThanOnePositive

  function eval_domain (phi: clause_cnf) (s: set) (p: option rightside) (f: i -> BI.t) : BI.t
  = eval_clause_cnf phi f \*/ eval_negative s f \*/ eval_optionrightside p f

  function eval_codomain (s: set) (p: option rightside) (f: i -> BI.t) : BI.t
  = eval_negative s f \*/  eval_optionrightside p f

  (* Cast Functions *)

  let convertLiteralToR (pl: pliteral) : (rightside)
    ensures{ forall f. CNF.eval_pliteral pl f = Horn.eval_rightside (assign_rightside result f) }
  = match pl with
      | LBottom -> RProp bot
      | LVar x -> RVar x

  (* *)

  let addLiterals (pl: pliteral) (nl: pliteral) (s: set) (p: option rightside) : (rs: set, rp: option rightside)
  requires{ p = None }
  ensures{ (not is_empty rs) }
  ensures { forall f. (eval_pliteral pl f \*/ (neg (eval_pliteral nl f)) \*/ eval_negative s f \*/ eval_optionrightside p f) = (eval_negative rs f \*/ eval_optionrightside rp f) }
  = match pl with
      | LBottom -> let rbottom = Some (RProp bot) in
                    match nl with
                      | LBottom -> ((add (LBottom) s), rbottom)
                      | LVar x -> ((add (LVar x) s), rbottom)
      | LVar x -> let rvar = Some (RVar x) in
                    match nl with
                      | LBottom -> ((add (LBottom) s), rvar)
                      | LVar x -> ((add (LVar x) s), rvar)


  let processCombination (pl: pliteral) (nl: pliteral) (s: set) (p: option rightside) : (rs: set, rp: option rightside)
  raises{ MoreThanOnePositive }
  ensures{ (not is_empty rs) }
  ensures { forall f. (eval_pliteral pl f \*/ (neg (eval_pliteral nl f)) \*/ eval_negative s f \*/ eval_optionrightside p f) = (eval_negative rs f \*/ eval_optionrightside rp f) }
  = match p with
      | None -> addLiterals pl nl s p
      | Some _ -> raise MoreThanOnePositive

  let rec hornify_aux (phi: clause_cnf) (s: set) (p: option rightside) : (rs: set, rp: option rightside)
  requires{ exists x y. phi = COr_cnf x y }
  ensures{ (not is_empty rs) }
  ensures{ forall f. eval_domain phi s p f = eval_codomain rs rp f }
  ensures{ forall f. eval_domain phi s p f = ((eval_positive rs f) ->* (eval_optionrightside rp f)) }
  raises{ MoreThanOnePositive }
  variant{ phi }
  = match phi with
      | COr_cnf (CLiteral _) (CLiteral _) -> raise MoreThanOnePositive
      | COr_cnf (CLiteral pl) (CNeg_cnf nl) | COr_cnf (CNeg_cnf nl) (CLiteral pl) -> (* OR of positive literal and negative literal *)
                              processCombination pl nl s p
      | COr_cnf (CNeg_cnf nl1) (CNeg_cnf nl2) -> ((add (nl1) (add nl2 s)), p)
      | COr_cnf (COr_cnf phi1 phi2) (CLiteral pl) | COr_cnf (CLiteral pl) (COr_cnf phi1 phi2) -> (* OR of binary or and positive literal *)
                              match p with
                                | None -> hornify_aux (COr_cnf phi1 phi2) s (Some (convertLiteralToR pl))
                                | Some _ -> raise MoreThanOnePositive
      | COr_cnf (COr_cnf phi1 phi2) (CNeg_cnf nl) | COr_cnf (CNeg_cnf nl) (COr_cnf phi1 phi2) -> (* Combination of binary or and negative literal *)
                             hornify_aux (COr_cnf phi1 phi2) (add nl s) p
      | COr_cnf phi1 phi2 -> let (s1,p1) = hornify_aux phi1 s p in
                              hornify_aux phi2 s1 p1
      | _ -> absurd

  let conjunction (s: set): leftside
  requires{not is_empty s}
  ensures{forall f. eval_positive s f = eval_leftside result f }
  = let rec build (s: set)
     requires{not is_empty s}
     ensures{forall f. eval_positive s f = Horn.eval_positive result f}
     variant{cardinal s}
     = if((cardinal s) = 1) then CPL (choose s) else
         let element = choose s in
          CPAnd (CPL (element)) (build (remove (element) s)) in
    LPos (build s)

  let getPositive (p: option rightside) : rightside
  ensures{forall f. eval_optionrightside p f = eval_rightside (assign_rightside result f)}
  = match p with
      | None -> RProp bot
      | Some x -> x

  let getBasicHorn (phi: clause_cnf) : basichornclause
  ensures{ forall f. eval_clause_cnf phi f = eval_basichornclause result f }
  raises{ MoreThanOnePositive }
  = match phi with
      | CLiteral (LVar x) -> BImpl (LTop) (RVar x)
      | CLiteral (LBottom) -> BImpl (LTop) (RProp bot)
      | CNeg_cnf (LVar x) -> BImpl (LPos (CPL (LVar x))) (RProp bot)
      | CNeg_cnf (LBottom) -> BImpl (LTop) (RProp top)
      | COr_cnf _ _ -> let (s,p) = hornify_aux phi (empty ()) None in
                             BImpl (conjunction s) (getPositive p)

  let rec hornify (phi: formula_cnf) : hornclause
  raises{ MoreThanOnePositive }
  ensures{forall f. eval_formula_cnf phi f = eval_hornclause result f}
  variant{ phi }
  = match phi with
      | FClause_cnf phi1 -> HBasic (getBasicHorn phi1)
      | FAnd_cnf phi1 phi2 -> HAnd (hornify phi1) (hornify phi2)
